ayurveda for menopause

A Guide to Ayurveda for Menopause: Medicines, Treatments, and More

The changes that a woman goes through in her life are perplexing, and the impact they have on her body and psyche is enormous but necessary. menopause symptoms are one of those major and normal transitions that a woman experiences.

The end of the menstrual cycle is known as menopause. When you miss your menstrual period for a full year, your condition is diagnosed. A report states that in the United States, the average age of menopause is 51, but it can occur in your 40s or 50s.

Natural biological processes include menopause. However, menopause's emotional and physical symptoms, like hot flashes, can impair your emotional well-being, interfere with your sleep, or deplete your energy. From hormone therapy to lifestyle modifications, there are numerous efficient treatments available.

What are the Causes of Menopause?

Every egg that a woman has is present at birth and is kept in her ovaries. Additionally, their ovaries produce the hormones progesterone and estrogen, which regulate their menstrual cycle and the release of eggs during ovulation. Menstruation ends and the ovaries stop releasing eggs each month when a woman enters menopause.

For women over 40, menopause is a normal aspect of aging. Some women, though, may experience an early menopause. It might come from ovarian damage from chemotherapy or from surgery, such as a hysterectomy, which removes the ovaries. For whatever reason, it is referred to as premature menopause if it occurs before the age of 40.

What are the First Symptoms of Menopause?

Most women will start to have vasomotor symptoms (VMS) as they approach menopause. Hot flashes are the most typical type. A hot flash is a sudden sensation of warmth that spreads over the upper body. Sweating, blushing, and a racing heart are common side effects. Most women experience mild flashes, but some may experience severe ones.

Other signs of menopause that you might experience include:

  • Missed or uneven periods
  • more frequent urination needs
  • Depression
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Emotional changes
  • Dry skin, eyes, or mouth
  • Fatigue
  • Sore breasts
  • Crankiness
  • Headaches
  • Pains in the muscles and joints
  • Weight gain
  • Hair loss
  • Libido (sexual drive) changes 

What Happens During Menopause?

Natural menopause is not caused by any medical or surgical procedures. It is a slow process with three stages:

  • Perimenopause. This perimenopause symptoms phase typically begins several years before menopause, when your ovaries gradually produce less estrogen. Perimenopause continues until menopause, when your ovaries stop releasing eggs. Estrogen levels decrease more quickly in the final one to two years of this stage. Menopause symptoms are common in women.
  • Menopause. This is when it has been a year since your last period. The majority of the estrogen and eggs that your ovaries produce have stopped.
  • Postmenopause. Menopause has ended during these years. Menopausal symptoms like night sweats and hot flashes typically go away. But as you age, the health risks associated with estrogen deficiency rise.

Natural Ayurvedic Remedies For Menopause 

Some Ayurvedic herbs work extremely well for post-menopausal health risks and complications. Before using these herbs, you should consult an Ayurvedic doctor for a complete Ayurvedic health evaluation and the right choice of herbs. You can also contact Dr. Baldeep Kour at Deep Ayurveda in Queensland, Australia for Ayurvedic treatment. The following herbs help with menopausal symptoms.

  • ASHOKA (Saraca Asoca) - 
  • Anxiety, nervousness, panic, vaginal dryness, mood swings, loss of skin tone, and other Vata-type symptoms can be alleviated by taking a small amount of Ashoka tree bark on a regular basis on an empty stomach. It has medicinal properties that can relieve these symptoms and relax the body.

  • Satavari (Asparagus Racemosus) -  
  • Asparagus is another herb used to treat menopausal symptoms. Shatavari strengthens the vaginal and uterine muscles. It reduces dryness and pain during intercourse.

  • Brahmi - 
  • Brahmi has numerous applications in Ayurveda, not only for menopause but also for a variety of other diseases. It relieves symptoms such as constipation, hot flashes, bloating, joint pain, and palpitations.

  • MULETHI (Glycyrrhiza Labra) -
  • MULETHI (Glycyrrhiza labra) can be used to treat menopausal symptoms very effectively. It reduces a variety of health risks associated with menopause. It helps to reduce mood swings, hot flashes, and fatigue.

  • Amla (Indian Gooseberry) 
  • Indian gooseberry can help reduce menopausal symptoms. It lessens mental agitation, hot flashes, fatigue, mood swings, vaginal dryness, and night sweats. Due to its high nutritional content and vitamin C content, it also nourishes every part of the body. It improves the condition of the skin and postpones aging.

  • Valerian-
  • One of the many extremely helpful herbs used during menopause is Valerian. It is helpful when menopause is still a ways off. It will help to reduce complications such as irritability, anger, hot flashes, feeling hot, heavy periods, night sweats, urinary tract infections, excessive bleeding, skin rashes, and acne. 

    Despite being widely used in traditional Hindu diets and ayurvedic medicines, not many people are aware of the benefits of these herbs. The health risks associated with postmenopause are significantly decreased by this herb's medicinal properties. If you want a potent blend of these Ayurvedic herbs in one product for menopause, you can try NariPanch® Ayurvedic SuperFood for Women's Health. This Ayurvedic superfood contains traditional Ayurvedic herbs, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, providing essential nutrients for women's health during and after menopause.

    Ways to Deal with Menopause-Related Issues and Symptoms

    ways to deal with manopause

    It is normal to experience periods of depression and anxiety during menopause. Hormone fluctuations can be confusing, and it is acceptable to get help if you are not sure how to bring your crazy levels of hormones under control. Several family members' support and self-care are essential in overcoming the menopause blues. Here are some strategies:

    • Think about Hormone Therapy (HT): During menopause, many women take care of themselves with the help of hormone therapy. The body receives hormones from HT that are no longer produced by the body. HT might lessen osteoporosis symptoms and help avoid it. While many women find relief from HT, not all of them require it. HT may reduce hot flashes and perspiration, improve vaginal moisture, lessen mood swings, and reduce the risk of bone fractures. Consult your physician about HT if you find the menopausal symptoms to be intolerable. You two will determine if this is the best course of action for you.
    • Supplemental Calcium and Vitamin D: Eating foods high in calcium and vitamin D, such as dairy products (yogurt, cheese, curd, oily fish, and cod liver), green leafy vegetables (kale, spinach), and other foods high in these elements can significantly lower the risk of degenerative diseases that weaken bones.
    • Wear Linen and Cotton: These airy, natural fiber-based textiles help regulate your body temperature. Three types of fabrics are used to make our clothing, socks, sheets, and blankets: synthetic, natural, or a mix of the two. Because synthetic fibers are less breathable than natural fibers, fabrics made of acrylic, polyester, nylon, and spandex retain more heat. Among the best fabrics to wear to reduce body temperature during menopause are cotton and linen. Rather than retaining heat near the body, these fabrics allow it to escape. 
    • Lubricate and Moisturize: Sex-related pain can affect intimate relationships and self-esteem, making it one of the most difficult aspects of menopause. Be aware that you have choices. Water-based lubricants and vaginal moisturizers that are available at pharmacies provide relief to a lot of women. Make an appointment with us to find out more about prescription estrogen vaginal cream if these options are not helpful to you.
    • Water and Restful Sleep: Seven to ten glasses of water a day can help you feel less dry, lose weight, and avoid bloating.
    • Meals High in Protein: Foods high in protein, such as seafood, eggs, dairy, nuts, and legumes, are recommended. Vitamin K, which is also present in these, significantly reduces menopausal symptoms.
    • Exercise: Getting regular exercise improves mood and aids in weight control. In addition, it lowers the risk of lifestyle-related illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, etc.
    • Cut Down on Smoking: Smoking increases the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and many cancers. Giving up smoking has been shown to enhance general health.
    • Get Checked Out Frequently: Health issues can be identified and prevented with the aid of routine screenings. Regular pap smears, bone density tests, and mammograms are recommended for women.
    • Consult Your Physician About Any Health Risks. You should talk to your doctor about the health risks associated with estrogen loss, even if you have found ways to manage your menopause symptoms. Seeking advice from your physician is especially crucial if you have a family history of osteoporosis or heart disease. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to safeguard the health of your bones and heart.

    Ease the Menopause with Ayurvedic Menopause Management Consultation!

    That is not everything! The Ayurvedic approach is not what it seems. You can certainly deal with pain, discomfort, cramps, and other changes with the help of these tips. However, you still require a specialist to help you along the way, such as Ayurvedic Management Ayurvedic Consultation, which is led by the renowned Dr. Baldeep Kaur and provides a safe and efficient way to manage menopause symptoms.

    You will get the benefits of a combination of traditional knowledge and contemporary understanding with dietary and lifestyle recommendations that are specific to your dosha and health history. Choose the consultation approach that best suits your needs:

    • For convenience, telephonic consultation.
    • Video Consultation for a more personal connection.
    • Clinic Visit Consultation for an in-depth experience.

    Following your consultation, a member of our team will send you a prescription through WhatsApp or email. Should you need Ayurvedic herbs or products, they will be dispatched directly from our Indian warehouse to your postal address, typically arriving within 5 to 7 working days after payment receipt.

    Don’t let menopause control your life’s rhythm. Book your appointment with Dr. Baldeep Kaur today to take advantage of this life-changing phase and move toward a healthy and balanced tomorrow.


    Reviewed By

    Dr. Sapna Kangotra

    Senior Ayurveda Doctor

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